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My Favorite Jeans | #LSSOneTrueLove via

My Favorite Jeans | #LSSOneTrueLove

I love jeans.

Specifically, I love designer jeans. Not because I’m snobby or whatever sort of stereotype spending over $100 on pants makes you think of me. I love designer jeans because my body loves designer jeans best.

I’m fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on who you ask) enough to have long, slender legs. Which, in the world of fashion and retail, means I’m destined to need to spend more money on pants that cover all of that lower body surface area. That money doesn’t go lost though. The jeans I’ve bought at a higher price point have lasted years beyond those $5 pairs I’ll buy from somewhere like Forever21 on a whim.

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My three favorite denim brands are Paige Denim, Joe’s Jeans + True Religion.

My Favorite Jeans | #LSSOneTrueLove | SHUGGILIPPO - A Los Angeles Millennial Lifestyle & Parenting Blog - Millennial Mom Blogger - Millennial Mom Vlogger


I’m participating in the #LSSOneTrueLove prompt where you share your favorite fill-in-the-blank each month. Head over and visit Megan & Wendy to see all the prompts!

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